It may be the last thing you want to admit, but putting it off isn't going to help your cause further. On the other hand, it may be exactly what you want to admit, but you don't want to admit it just yet, Five Common Relationship just in case it isn't the truth. What do you do? Grab a daisy and start plucking, I love her, I love her not?
See how many of the following signs
apply to you. If one of them does, chances are they all do. And if that is the
case, my friend, then feel free to joyously spread the word that it is love,
sweet love, based on these six simple signs.
The Details:
She's beautiful. She's beautiful in
track pants when you rush over to help her with her flat tire, and her hair is
in a mussed up ponytail. She is trying not to cry, but she can't help it. Then
she's just in that sweaty, dirty moment that to you is just... stunning. In
fact the less makeup she has on, the more stunning she is to you.
She's included in all of your
plans, even if only in your head. You just want her to be with you everywhere.
She has even started showing up on poker night and football afternoons. It just
is what it is, Maintain
Your Relationship and anyone who has a problem with it can see the
door. You don't even want to see your sweaty college roommate as much as you
want to see her. That is love, my friend.
The chemistry is so good, it's all
you can think about when you are apart. Period. Hours pass like minutes when
you are together, and she is the one that makes you use the word
She says sex will have to wait, and
your response is, "Whatever you say!" Respect, trust and love go hand
in hand. You cannot have one without the other. If you love her and respect her
and Positive
Relationships her personal space, you don't care how long it will
take because that's not what it's about. It's about love.
You picture her in your future.
Even if you haven't mentioned it to her yet, you are at least thinking it. When
Mom asks at Sunday dinner when she will finally get to meet this girl, you are
stoked that she's finally given the green light and the response is,
"How's next week?" You picture her in your life, period. When you
start visually making plans with someone in your head, you are only one step closer
to verbalizing those things to them out loud.
You've started saying it to her in
other ways. You've been signing texts and emails with "luv" or even
"love" but you haven't said "I love you" yet. You love
everything about her and being with her and tell her that; the three little
words just haven't come out yet.
You are slowly preparing her for
these words and are using these little tests as ways to gauge her response to
the "L" word. When you are at this step, it is only a matter of time
before you tell her yourself at this point.
The Bottom Line:
The bottom line is that if you are
in love with someone, you definitely know whether you are or are not. Admitting
it now, only you can take on this daunting task. But when it comes to love,
waiting to say the magical words is only shooting yourself in the foot. If any
of these six signs rings all too true, then what are you waiting for? Embrace
the life and love that you've been lucky and blessed enough to find, and go
tell her!
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